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Black Hawk, CO

Press + Interviews


Want to learn more about IMJC?

Check out these features and interviews!


Mother Mountain Journal

“Being invited into an artist’s studio, up the mountain, past the outskirts of town, quite a ways down a winding dirt road and into the forest, feels like a visit to a shaman. Artists straddle the worlds and live in the thinned veiled realms of the creative. Their homes and studios have a unique energy….”

written by Anne Heart/photos by Jennifer Morgan

Introverted Entrepreneur

This YouTube series interviews introverted entrepreneurs and shares their secrets to success.

Voyage Denver

“We are thrilled to be connecting with Erin Trumble again. Erin is a lapidary artist, jewelry designer and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation…”

photos by Ashley Tiedgen