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Black Hawk, CO


It's been a year in the making

Erin Trumble


Y’all it’s been a year. A year full of uncertainty, a year full of new directions, a year full of pushing limits, and a year full of growth. One year ago, like many of you, I was faced with “well, what now?” and I honestly wasn’t sure where I was going with my business. I knew I wanted more. I wanted to take my work into a new direction, and offer more to my community. I really was feeling called to learning new things, as well as offering my knowledge to you.

So that was my jump off point. I enrolled in some college marketing classes, signed up for some virtual business conferences, and made a plan for how I was going to better serve my community. It was time to prove to myself that I was good at marketing and all the other “business-y” parts of owning a small business that I never liked to do before.

I’ll spare you all of the nitty gritty of figuring out email lists and marketing plans, but rather I want to share with you some of the work around service. This was such a strange concept to me when it came to my specific industry. How can someone who creates a good also create a service? Then it hit me! I love learning, always have, always will. So why not share that?!?! I realized that I was being called to share the love of learning with you!

So I started with blogging. Sharing the tips and tricks that I use in my daily life became so fun through my “TOP 5” series, and I discovered a love for sharing styling tips as well. I forced myself in front of the camera and started doing some video stuff as well. That’s when my IGTV series “Let’s Get Stoned” was born. Initially I thought it would be a once every couple of months thing, and then you guys begged for more. The response was so amazing that now you can find new episodes every couple of weeks!

So let’s scroll back up to that necklace….. I recently posted about commemorative jewelry and diamonds. This little beauty, that I intend to never take off, was created to commemorate this past year. It is a daily reminder of what I can do when I put my mind to it. What I can create, what limits I can push, and what comfort zones I can get comfortable being outside of.

This year has taught us all so much, and I can’t wait for you to share what you are learning about yourself this year, what goals your setting, where you are going and where you are growing! I want to thank each and every one of you for the continued support, encouragement, and cheerleading!