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It's My Birthday!

Erin Trumble

Well, we are here, at the cusp of entering the last year of my 30’s. It’s an interesting place to sit and just be. Up until this point my 30’s have been the best years of my life! So much personal growth, my business grew and flourished, my family is healthy and wonderful! But alas, something about turning 40 still haunts me a bit. So I’ve decided to make this year the best one yet!

If you’ve been around for well, over a decade now, then you may remember the blog series I did call 30x30. In this series I took the last 30 days before turning 30 and did all the things. A decade later…I’m kicking it up a notch!

I’ll leave you a link to the 30x30 list here.

You know how people make bucket lists that they will one day accomplish? This is basically that, but I’m not waiting for “someday” to come. I’m doing it. If we’ve learned anything in the past few years it’s that time is fleeting. So this year, I’m taking this list of 40 things that I’ve said “I want to do someday”, and I’m freaking doing them. The items on my 40 list really range from silly little things to great big scary things, but all of which I’ve said “someday” about.

So what’s on the 40 list? Well, here you go…

My goal for this year? I’m going to slide into 40 feeling more alive and vibrant then ever and shatter the stereotype of turning 40 years old. So if you’re into this idea, please follow along as I am going to Carpe Diem the fuck out of this year!